
Associate Professor Justin Roe has provided orthopaedic input on national television for programs such as the 7:30 Report, 4 Corners and 60 Minutes. His work on elite athletes has also been covered in The Daily Telegraph and The Sydney Morning Herald.

7:30 Report - "Rising number of children suffer serious knee injuries playing sport"
15 November 2016

Children's sports getting faster and more professional are among the reasons being suggested for a rise in the number of young people needing knee reconstructions.

Click to view video at the ABC website.  
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Knee injuries in children rising
4 Corners - "Wasted"
28 September 2015

The unnecessary testing and treatments choking the health system including GP-ordered MRI scans and knee arthroscopies for osteoarthritis.

Click to view video at the ABC website.  
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4 Corners - Wasted
7:30 Report - "Sell therapy"
6 October 2014

Dr Justin Roe discussing his experience with patients after their stem cell therapy for knee arthritis.

Click to view video at the ABC website.  
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7:30 Report - Dr Justin Roe
60 minutes - "The pain of sporting greatness"
6 March 2006

Dr Justin Roe discusses the surgery required by Australian netballer, Liz Ellis.
The Daily Telegraph - "Storm ace Billy Slater may lose some of his blistering acceleration due to knee injury"
27 July 2012

"Dr Justin Roe has worked with several NRL players and said club officials had done the right thing in sidelining Slater for 45 days after he strained the posterior cruciate ligament in his left knee in the second State of Origin game."

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(Photo by The Daily Telegraph)
Jock Athletic E-zine - "Rochelle Gilmore: More than just cycling's glamour girl"

Rochelle talks about her battle with ITB friction syndrome and the successful surgical ITB release performed by Dr Justin Roe.

"The surgery was a huge success. I slowly started riding again after only a few weeks and commenced a serious rehab program.."

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The Sydney Morning Herald - "Poore just happy to have his health"

Justin Poore of the Parramatta Eels speaks of coming through a tough year marred by a knee injury. His knee surgery was performed by Dr Justin Roe.

"He can step, accelerate, decelerate, and put pressure on the joint. Importantly, he can put pressure on himself again. "

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(Photo by Adam Hollingworth)
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